fudrgqfõ wk;=ßka
;%Sù,a tlla Wvql=re fjhs
wo oyj,a 12'30 g muK fudrgqj l=rei ykaosfha wk;=rla isÿjqKd' f,dß r:hl ;%Sù,rhla yemSfuka ;%Sfrdao r:h Wvql=rejQ w;r ;=jd, ,enQjka frday,g f.k .shd'
isoaêfhka miqj;a ál fõ,djla hk;=re Wvql=rejQ ;%Sfrdao r:h uydud¾.fha ;snqK w;r wmf.a mdGlfhl= iemhQ PdhdrEm j,
±lafjkafka tu wjia:djhs'
Gap Insurance: If you are either leasing a car, or still making payments on your vehicle, the replacement value of your vehicle may be less than what you actually owe on the car. In this case, you would be monetarily responsible for the difference. Gap insurance will pay the difference from what you owe on your car, and what your car is worth.
Gap Insurance: If you are either leasing a car, or still making payments on your vehicle, the replacement value of your vehicle may be less than what you actually owe on the car. In this case, you would be monetarily responsible for the difference. Gap insurance will pay the differen
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