iSks weu;s flfkla fudlgo@
kj weu;sjreka Èjqreï§u;a iu. ,xldfõ w¨;ska wud;HxYhla ìysjqKd' ta iSks l¾udka; wud;HxYhhs' tys weu;sjrhd jkafka ,laIauka fifkúr;akhs'
tjeks wud;HxYhl wjYH;dj ,xldjg we;a;gu ;snqKdo@ .eg,qjls'
ta .ek uyck woyia lsysmhla úuid n,kakg wm W;aidy l<d'
,xldfõ iSks l¾udka;hg tlajru fjku wud;HxYhla we;slsÍug fya;= jYfhka wmg yuqjQ tla wfhl= olajd isáfha ,xldfõ ñksiqkaf.a iSks lEu wêl neúka th md,kh wud;HxY uÜgug f.k tau jeo.;alulska hqla; njhs' ta wkqj iSks ms<sn| jevuq¿ mj;ajd .ïuÜgñka iSks lEfï wdÈkj Èhjeähd frda.h wdÈh ms<sn|j ck;djg jeä úia;r ±kqï Èh yels njh'
úfYaIfhkau miq.sh ld,fha t<s±lajQ m¾fhaIK jd¾;djlska lshejqfka 2050 jk úg ,xldfõ Èhjeähd frda.Ska ishhg 50 olajd by< hk njhs' ta ksid iSks mßmd,kh w;sYh jeo.;ah'
iSks wud;HxYh .ek úoajf;l= woyila olajñka lshd isáfha <`.§ rchg mjrd.;a iSks lïy, fï;dla ksIamdok wrUd ke;s neúka tys fiajlhska uÜgq lr flfia fyda iSks ksIamdokh by< kexùug th weu;sjrfhl= hg;g m;a l< njhs'
fï .ek ;j;a wfhl= ±lajQ woyila jQfha w;S;fha rcjreka w;r isá we;eï fcdal¾,d iSks lEu ksid m%isoaO jQ neúka^wkaof¾& fuu iSks ms<sn| wud;HxYho tjeks fcdala tlla f,i msßkud we;s njhs'
iSks weu;s .ek Tng isf;kafka l=ulao@ f.disma ¨Kq foys j,g Tfí woyi;a tl;= lrkak
Gap Insurance: If you are either leasing a car, or still making payments on your vehicle, the replacement value of your vehicle may be less than what you actually owe on the car. In this case, you would be monetarily responsible for the difference. Gap insurance will pay the difference from what you owe on your car, and what your car is worth.
Gap Insurance: If you are either leasing a car, or still making payments on your vehicle, the replacement value of your vehicle may be less than what you actually owe on the car. In this case, you would be monetarily responsible for the difference. Gap insurance will pay the differen
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