

;reK ;reKshka 231 la urd ±uQn%iS, rd;%S iudc Yd,d fÄojdplh

uE; ld,fha wikakg ,enqK oreKq;u fÄojdplh fmf¾od n%iS,fhka wikakg ,enqKd'

 ta rd;%S iudc Yd,djl we;sjQ .skakls' .skafka úIÿu wd>%dyKfhka iy t;ek /iaj isá 2000 lg wêl msßi w;r yg.;a l,n,fha§ tlsfkldg mE.Sug ,laùfuka jhi 16-20 w;r ;reK ;reKshka 231 fofkl=f.a Ôú; wysñ jqKd'
ol=KqÈ. n%iS,fha iekagd ußhd k.rfha msysá lsia kue;s rd;%S iudc Yd,djl fuu isoaêh yg.;a;d' 27 jkod w¿hu 2 g muK iudc Yd,dfõ ix.S; lKavdhu we;=f<a .sks fl<s ±laula weröu;a iu. tys ;sr froaolg .sks weú,S me;srhdfuka we;sjQ .skafkka 
l,n,hg m;a msßia bka bj;g hdug W;aidy l<o úI jdhq wd>%dKfhka fndfyda fofkl= ñh.shd'  wdrlaIlhka fodrgq wdjrKh lr ;snqK ksid urK ixLHdj ;j;a by< .sh nj mejiqKd'

fuys Yío jdyl we;=reï .sks .ekSfuka úYd, ÿula we;s ù ;sfnk w;r jeä fokd ñh f.dia we;af;a úI ÿu wd>%dykh lsÍu fya;=fjks'
.skak;a iu. tys isá  úYd, msßi l,n,hg m;aù Èjhdu Ôú; ydks jeäùug ;j;a fya;=jlaù ;sfnkjd' we;euqka tlsfkld u; fj,S ñh f.dia isá nj o jd¾;d jqKd'

isoaêh wjika jQ miq tys ;nd ;snqK uD; YÍr ,nd.ekSu i|yd meñKs Tjqkaf.a kE ys;j;=ka uy y~ k.ñka tys je<fmñka isá nj;a jd¾;d jqKd' isoaêh ksid fï jk úg urK 231 la jd¾;dù we;s w;r nrm;, ;;ajfha ;=jd, ,enQjka 81 la iu. 100 fofkl= frday,a.;j isákjd'
fï jk úg isoaêfhka ñ ;reK ;reKshka /ilf.a wjika lghq;=o isÿ lr wjikah' fuu iudc Yd,dfõ ysñlrejka yd ix.S; lKavdhfï wh 5 fofkl= w;awvx.=jg .kakg n%iS, fmd,sish l%shd lr ;sfnkjd'
fuu fÄojdplh fya;=fjka n%iS,fha meje;afjk 2014 f,dal l=i,dk mdmkaÿ ;,shg fmr Èk 500 i,l=Kq lrñka n%iS,shd w.kqjr meje;aùug ixúOdkh lr ;snQ W;aijh l,aoukakg;a isÿ jqKd'

isoaêfha PdhdrEm tl;=jla my;ska ish,a, fu;ekska

isoaêfha ùäfhda folla my;ska

Gap Insurance: If you are either leasing a car, or still making payments on your vehicle, the replacement value of your vehicle may be less than what you actually owe on the car. In this case, you would be monetarily responsible for the difference. Gap insurance will pay the difference from what you owe on your car, and what your car is worth
Gap Insurance: If you are either leasing a car, or still making payments on your vehicle, the replacement value of your vehicle may be less than what you actually owe on the car. In this case, you would be monetarily responsible for the difference. Gap insurance will pay the differen

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